. . . all make it such a great season to write about.
So, if you fancy giving your poetry or prose an autumnal flavour, choose one of the writing prompts below to inspire you:
Title Prompt
'Spiced Apples and Bonfires'
Picture Prompt
Opening Line Prompt
Every Halloween it was the same. Every Halloween she hoped . . .
Musical Prompt
Smell Prompt
Freshly baked gingerbread
Picture Prompt
Quotation Prompt
'Aprils have never meant much to me, autumns seem that season of beginning, spring.' Truman Capote
I hope you find the above prompts useful.
I hope they inspire you to paint some beautiful autumnal moments with your words.
And I would love to see the results, so please feel free to send them to me or post them in the comments below . . .